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Cedar Labs and Systemic renew partnership agreement

by Cedar Labs, on Oct 18, 2021 12:00:00 AM

Cedar Labs, LLC and Systemic Pty Ltd are thrilled to announce that they will be continuing their partnership, providing innovative data integration solutions to the Australia / New Zealand region since 2016. Systemic and Cedar Labs serve the largest state school districts in Australia, providing a cloud-native data integration platform that manages millions of messages in real time. Through their partnership, states can maintain up to date information across a multitude of software systems, leverage and maintain compliance with the Systems Interoperability Framework (SIF) standard for education data, and manage this data orchestration easily with enhanced auditing features.

“Thanks to our work with Cedar Labs, Systemic has helped our clients to elevate their data strategy,” reports Greg Salotti, CEO of Systemic. “We’ve been at the forefront of implementing the SIF standard in Australia’s schools for the past 5 years, and we look forward to working with Cedar Labs to continue to drive progress and innovation in cloud-native data integration.”

About Cedar Labs: Cedar Labs, LLC is an education software company based in Minneapolis, MN, focusing on education data integration and data privacy. Founded by educators in 2013, Cedar Labs serves over 3 million students across the globe, and supports the open standards and privacy movements in education through its leadership in organizations such as A4L and SDPC.

About Systemic: Systemic Pty Ltd is a Software Development and Integration company based in Perth, Western Australia. The company was founded in 2001 as a vehicle for its founders to explore, prototype and commercialise their own innovative product ideas while also providing software development services to the Defence, Banking, Health and Education sectors. Applications developed by Systemic for enterprise clients are used by thousands of concurrent users to carry out complex business processes such as student assessment and reporting.

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Cedar Labs provides local and state education agencies and software providers with seamless, secure data interoperability across all software systems.

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